.TH SYMINV 1 .SH NAME syminv \- invert a symmetry operator provided on the command line. .SH SYNOPSIS syminv \-\-options \-\- \-y,\-x,z \-x,y,z syminv \-\-options \-\- \-y,\-x,z \-x,y,z z,y,x .SH DESCRIPTION Invert a symmetry operator provided on the command line. .SH OPTIONS \-m, \-\-matrix Print output in matrix form. \-s, \-\-string Print output in string form as general position coordinates (default). \-\-help, \-\-usage Output a short usage message (this message) and exit. \-\-version Output version information and exit. .SH "REPORTING BUGS" Report syminv bugs using e\-mail: cod\-bugs@ibt.lt