.TH CIF_MARK_DISORDER 1 .SH NAME cif_mark_disorder \- mark disorder in CIF files judging by distance and occupancy. .SH SYNOPSIS cif_mark_disorder \-\-options input1.cif input*.cif .SH DESCRIPTION Mark disorder in CIF files judging by distance and occupancy. .SH OPTIONS \-d, \-\-distance\-sensitivity 0.000001 Specify maximum distance between two atoms that should be perceived as belonging to the same atom site. \-\-occupancy\-sensitivity 0.01 Set maximum deviation for the sum of occupancies of the atoms from the same atom site from 1. \-h, \-\-add\-cif\-header Comments from the beginning of this file will be prepended to the output. \-\-exclude\-zero\-occupancies Do not use atoms with 0 occupancies in calculations (default). \-\-no\-exclude\-zero\-occupancies \-\-dont\-exclude\-zero\-occupancies Use atoms with zero (0) occupancies in the calculations. \-\-ignore\-occupancies Do not require occupancies of the atoms in the same atom site to sum up to 1. \-\-no\-ignore\-occupancies \-\-dont\-ignore\-occupancies Require the occupancies of the atoms in the same atom site to sum up to 1 to be recognised as disorder (default). \-\-report\-marked\-disorders Print each of the marked disorder assemblies to the standard error, listing atom labels (default). \-\-no\-report\-marked\-disorders \-\-dont\-report\-marked\-disorders Do not print marked disorder assemblies to the standard error. \-\-add\-depositor\-comments Append reports about newly marked disorder assemblies together with the signature of this script to the '_cod_depositor_comments' value (default). \-\-no\-add\-depositor\-comments \-\-dont\-add\-depositor\-comments Do not append anything to the value of '_cod_depositor_comments'. \-\-brick\-size 1 Brick size parameter for 'AtomBricks' algorithm. \-\-use\-perl\-parser Use Perl parser for CIF parsing. \-\-use\-c\-parser Use Perl & C parser for CIF parsing (default). \-\-help, \-\-usage Output a short usage message (this message) and exit. \-\-version Output version information and exit. .SH "REPORTING BUGS" Report cif_mark_disorder bugs using e\-mail: cod\-bugs@ibt.lt