.TH CIF2XYZ 1 .SH NAME cif2xyz \- read CIF files and print atom coordinates in XYZ format. .SH SYNOPSIS cif2xyz \-\-options input.cif .SH DESCRIPTION Read CIF files and print atom coordinates in XYZ format. .SH OPTIONS \-\-print\-radii Append covalent radii to the atom coordinates. \-\-no\-print\-radii, \-\-dont\-print\-radii, \-\-xyz\-only Print only Cartesian XYZ coordinates for input atoms (default). \-\-add\-xyz\-header Add the total number of atoms on the first line of the output, followed by an empty line (default). \-\-do\-not\-add\-xyz\-header, \-\-dont\-add\-xyz\-header, \-\-no\-add\-xyz\-header Do not add the total number of atoms on the first line. \-\-use\-perl\-parser \-\-use\-c\-parser Specify parser to parse CIF files (default: C parser). \-\-help, \-\-usage Output a short usage message (this message) and exit. \-\-version Output version information and exit. .SH "REPORTING BUGS" Report cif2xyz bugs using e\-mail: cod\-bugs@ibt.lt