.TH bitesize 8 "2018-09-07" "USER COMMANDS" .SH NAME bitesize.bt \- Show disk I/O size as a histogram. Uses bpftrace/eBPF. .SH SYNOPSIS .B bitesize.bt .SH DESCRIPTION This can be used to characterize the distribution of block device (disk) I/O sizes. To study block device I/O in more detail, see biosnoop(8). This uses the tracepoint:block:block_rq_issue tracepoint, and is a simple example of bpftrace. Since this uses BPF, only the root user can use this tool. .SH REQUIREMENTS CONFIG_BPF and bpftrace. .SH EXAMPLES .TP Trace block I/O and summarize as a histogram by process: # .B bitesize.bt .SH FIELDS .TP 0th A process name (shown in "@[...]") is printed before each I/O histogram. .TP 1st, 2nd This is a range of I/O sizes, in Kbytes (shown in "[...)" set notation). .TP 3rd A column showing the count of I/O in this range. .TP 4th This is an ASCII histogram representing the count column. .SH OVERHEAD Since block device I/O usually has a relatively low frequency (< 10,000/s), the overhead for this tool is expected to be low or negligible. For high IOPS storage systems, test and quantify before use. .SH SOURCE This is from bpftrace. .IP https://github.com/iovisor/bpftrace .PP Also look in the bpftrace distribution for a companion _examples.txt file containing example usage, output, and commentary for this tool. This is a bpftrace version of the bcc tool of the same name. .IP https://github.com/iovisor/bcc .SH OS Linux .SH STABILITY Unstable - in development. .SH AUTHOR Brendan Gregg .SH SEE ALSO biosnoop.bt(8)