.TH bindsnoop 8 "12 February 2020" "" "" .SH NAME bindsnoop \- Trace bind() system calls. .SH SYNOPSIS .B bindsnoop.py [\fB-h\fP] [\fB-w\fP] [\fB-t\fP] [\fB-p\fP PID] [\fB-P\fP PORT] [\fB-E\fP] [\fB-U\fP] [\fB-u\fP UID] [\fB--count\fP] [\fB--cgroupmap MAP\fP] [\fB--mntnsmap MNTNSMAP\fP] .SH DESCRIPTION bindsnoop reports socket options set before the bind call that would impact this system call behavior. .PP .SH REQUIREMENTS CONFIG_BPF and bcc. .SH OPTIONS: .RS .TP Show help message and exit: .TP .B \fB-h\fP, \fB--help\fP .TP Include timestamp on output: .TP .B \fB-t\fP, \fB--timestamp\fP .TP Wider columns (fit IPv6): .TP .B \fB-w\fP, \fB--wide\fP .TP Trace this PID only: .TP .B \fB-p\fP PID, \fB--pid\fP PID .TP Comma-separated list of ports to trace: .TP .B \fB-P\fP PORT, \fB--port\fP PORT .TP Trace cgroups in this BPF map: .TP .B \fB--cgroupmap\fP MAP .TP Trace mount namespaces in this BPF map: .TP .B \fB--mntnsmap\fP MNTNSMAP .TP Include errors in the output: .TP .B \fB-E\fP, \fB--errors\fP .TP Include UID on output: .TP .B \fB-U\fP, \fB--print-uid\fP .TP Trace this UID only: .TP .B \fB-u\fP UID, \fB--uid\fP UID .TP Count binds per src ip and port: .TP .B \fB--count\fP .RE .PP .SH EXAMPLES: .RS .TP Trace all IPv4 and IPv6 \fBbind\fP()s .TP .B bindsnoop .TP Include timestamps .TP .B bindsnoop \fB-t\fP .TP Trace PID 181 .TP .B bindsnoop \fB-p\fP 181 .TP Trace port 80 .TP .B bindsnoop \fB-P\fP 80 .TP Trace port 80 and 81 .TP .B bindsnoop \fB-P\fP 80,81 .TP Include UID .TP .B bindsnoop \fB-U\fP .TP Trace UID 1000 .TP .B bindsnoop \fB-u\fP 1000 .TP Report bind errors .TP .B bindsnoop \fB-E\fP .TP Count bind per src ip .TP .B bindsnoop \fB--count\fP .RE .PP Trace IPv4 and IPv6 bind system calls and report socket options that would impact bind call behavior: .RS .TP SOL_IP IP_FREEBIND F\.\.\.\. .TP SOL_IP IP_TRANSPARENT \.T\.\.\. .TP SOL_IP IP_BIND_ADDRESS_NO_PORT \.\.N\.\. .TP SOL_SOCKET SO_REUSEADDR \.\.\.R. .TP SOL_SOCKET SO_REUSEPORT \.\.\.\.r .PP SO_BINDTODEVICE interface is reported as "IF" index .SH SOURCE This is from bcc. .IP https://github.com/iovisor/bcc .PP Also look in the bcc distribution for a companion _examples.txt file containing example usage, output, and commentary for this tool. .SH OS Linux .SH STABILITY Unstable - in development. .SH AUTHOR Pavel Dubovitsky .SH SEE ALSO tcpaccept(8)