.\" Automatically generated by Pandoc .\" .TH "tree-tool" "1" "Feb 2018" "" "" .hy .SH NAME .PP \f[B]tree-tool\f[R] - Perform various operations on Newick trees. .SH SYNOPSIS .PP \f[B]tree-tool\f[R] \f[I]tree-file\f[R] [OPTIONS] .SH DESCRIPTION .PP Perform various operations on Newick trees. .SH GENERAL OPTIONS: .TP \f[B]-h\f[R], \f[B]--help\f[R] produce help message .TP \f[B]-V\f[R], \f[B]--verbose\f[R] Output more log messages on stderr. .SH MODIFICATION OPTIONS: .TP \f[B]--prune\f[R] \f[I]arg\f[R] Comma-separated taxa to remove .TP \f[B]--resolve\f[R] Comma-separated taxa to remove .TP \f[B]--remove-root-branch\f[R] Remove single branch from root. .TP \f[B]--remove-root-branches\f[R] Ensure root is not a tip. .TP \f[B]--remove-knuckles\f[R] Remove degree-2 nodes. .TP \f[B]--scale\f[R] \f[I]arg\f[R] Scale branch-lengths by factor .TP \f[B]--strip-internal-names\f[R] Remove internal node names .TP \f[B]--name-all-nodes\f[R] Add node names .SH OUTPUT OPTIONS: .TP \f[B]--length\f[R] Report the total tree length .TP \f[B]--diameter\f[R] Report the total tree length .SH REPORTING BUGS: .PP BAli-Phy online help: . .PP Please send bug reports to . .SH AUTHORS Benjamin Redelings.