.\" Automatically generated by Pandoc .\" .TH "al_get_current_inverse_transform" "3alleg5" "" "Allegro reference manual" "" .hy .SH NAME .PP al_get_current_inverse_transform - Allegro 5 API .SH SYNOPSIS .IP .nf \f[C] #include const ALLEGRO_TRANSFORM *al_get_current_inverse_transform(void) \f[R] .fi .SH DESCRIPTION .PP Returns the inverse of the current transformation of the target bitmap. If there is no target bitmap, this function returns NULL. .PP This is similar to calling \f[C]al_invert_transform(al_get_current_transform())\f[R] but the result of this function is cached. .RS .PP \f[I]Note\f[R]: Allegro\[cq]s transformation inversion functions work correctly only with 2D transformations. .RE .SH SINCE .PP 5.1.0