.\" Automatically generated by Pandoc .\" .TH "ALLEGRO_TOUCH_STATE" "3alleg5" "" "Allegro reference manual" "" .hy .SH NAME .PP ALLEGRO_TOUCH_STATE - Allegro 5 API .SH SYNOPSIS .IP .nf \f[C] #include typedef struct ALLEGRO_TOUCH_STATE ALLEGRO_TOUCH_STATE; \f[R] .fi .SH DESCRIPTION .PP This is a structure that is used to hold a \[lq]snapshot\[rq] of a touch at a particular instant. .PP Public fields (read only): .IP \[bu] 2 id - identifier of the touch. If the touch is valid, this is positive. .IP \[bu] 2 x - touch x position .IP \[bu] 2 y - touch y position .IP \[bu] 2 dx - touch relative x position .IP \[bu] 2 dy - touch relative y position .IP \[bu] 2 primary - TRUE if this touch is the primary one (usually the first one). .IP \[bu] 2 display - The ALLEGRO_DISPLAY(3alleg5) that was touched. .SH SINCE .PP 5.1.0