.\" Automatically generated by Pandoc .\" .TH "AIDL" "1" "" "" "" .hy .SH NAME .PP aidl - Java bindings generator of AIDL interfaces .SH SYNOPSIS .PP \f[B]aidl\f[R] \f[I]OPTIONS\f[R] \f[I]INPUT\f[R] [\f[I]OUTPUT\f[R]] .PP \f[B]aidl\f[R] --preprocess \f[I]OUTPUT\f[R] \f[I]INPUT...\f[R] .SH OPTIONS .TP -I Search path for import statements. .TP -d Generate dependency file. .TP -a Generate dependency file next to the output file with the name based on the input file. .TP -ninja Generate dependency file in a format ninja understands. .TP -p File created by \f[B]--preprocess\f[R] to import. .TP -o Base output folder for generated files. .TP -b Fail when trying to compile a parcelable. .TP \f[I]INPUT\f[R] An aidl interface file. .TP \f[I]OUTPUT\f[R] The generated interface files. .PP If \f[I]OUTPUT\f[R] is omitted and the \f[B]-o\f[R] option is not used, the input filename is used, with the \f[B].aidl\f[R] extension changed to a \f[B].java\f[R] extension. .PP If the \f[B]-o\f[R] option is used, the generated files will be placed in the base output folder under their package folder. .SH SEE ALSO .PP https://developer.android.com/guide/components/aidl.html .SH AUTHORS The Android Open Source Project.