.\" dummy line .TH RACO 1 "May 2010" .UC 4 .SH NAME raco \- the RAcket COmmand-line tool .SH SYNOPSIS .B raco [ .I option ... ] [ .I argument ... ] .SH DESCRIPTION .B raco performs various tasks related to the Racket language, such as finding documentation, compiling Racket source to bytecode, packaging executables, and packaging installable archives. .PP Run .PP raco help .PP for a list of subcommands. .SH MORE INFORMATION For further information, run .PP raco docs .PP to open installed documentation in your web browser. .PP Alternately, consult the on-line documentation and other information available at .PP .ce 1 http://racket-lang.org/ .SH AUTHOR .B raco was implemented by PLT. .SH SEE ALSO .BR racket(1), .BR drracket(1)