.nh .TH "GH-REPO" "1" "Oct 2022" "" "GitHub CLI manual" .SH NAME .PP gh-repo - Manage repositories .SH SYNOPSIS .PP \fB\fCgh repo [flags]\fR .SH DESCRIPTION .PP Work with GitHub repositories. .SH COMMANDS .TP \fB\fCgh-repo-archive(1)\fR Archive a repository .TP \fB\fCgh-repo-clone(1)\fR Clone a repository locally .TP \fB\fCgh-repo-create(1)\fR Create a new repository .TP \fB\fCgh-repo-delete(1)\fR Delete a repository .TP \fB\fCgh-repo-deploy-key(1)\fR Manage deploy keys in a repository .TP \fB\fCgh-repo-edit(1)\fR Edit repository settings .TP \fB\fCgh-repo-fork(1)\fR Create a fork of a repository .TP \fB\fCgh-repo-list(1)\fR List repositories owned by user or organization .TP \fB\fCgh-repo-rename(1)\fR Rename a repository .TP \fB\fCgh-repo-sync(1)\fR Sync a repository .TP \fB\fCgh-repo-view(1)\fR View a repository .SH EXAMPLE .PP .RS .nf $ gh repo create $ gh repo clone cli/cli $ gh repo view --web .fi .RE .SH SEE ALSO .PP \fB\fCgh(1)\fR