.nh .TH "GH-RELEASE-UPLOAD" "1" "Oct 2022" "" "GitHub CLI manual" .SH NAME .PP gh-release-upload - Upload assets to a release .SH SYNOPSIS .PP \fB\fCgh release upload ... [flags]\fR .SH DESCRIPTION .PP Upload asset files to a GitHub Release. .PP To define a display label for an asset, append text starting with '#' after the file name. .SH OPTIONS .TP \fB\fC--clobber\fR Overwrite existing assets of the same name .SH OPTIONS INHERITED FROM PARENT COMMANDS .TP \fB\fC-R\fR, \fB\fC--repo\fR \fB\fC<[HOST/]OWNER/REPO>\fR Select another repository using the [HOST/]OWNER/REPO format .SH SEE ALSO .PP \fB\fCgh-release(1)\fR