.TH "SYNCACHE-DRB" "1" .SH "NAME" syncache-drb - SynCache dRuby object cache server .SH "SYNOPSIS" .PP \fBsyncache-drb\fP [ \fBoptions\fP ] [ \fBURI\fP ] .SH "DESCRIPTION" .PP \fBsyncache-drb\fP starts a Distributed Ruby server providing a SynCache::Cache object. .PP SynCache::Cache is a thread-safe time-limited object cache with flexible replacement strategy. .SH "OPTIONS" .IP "\fBURI\fP" 4 A URI with druby: schema that the DRb server binds to, default is \fBdruby://*:9000\fP .IP "\fB--help\fP" 4 Display usage information and quit. .IP "\fB--ttl\fP SECONDS" 4 Time-to-live value for cache entries, default is 24 hours. .IP "\fB--size\fP ENTRIES" 4 Maximum number of objects in cache, default is 10000. .IP "\fB--flush-delay\fP SECONDS" 4 Rate-limit flush operations. If less than that number of seconds has passed since last flush, next flush will be delayed. Default is no rate limit. .IP "\fB--user\fP USER" 4 Run as USER if started as root. Default is nobody. .IP "\fB--error-log\fP ERROR_LOG_PATH" 4 File to write errors to. Default is /dev/null. When run as root, the file is chowned to USER:adm. .IP "\fB--debug\fP" 4 Enable debug mode. If an error log is specified with --error-log, all messages will be sent there instead of syslog. .IP "\fB--pidfile\fP PATH" 4 Path to pidfile. By default, pidfile is created under /var/run/syncache-drb/ when run as root, or under $TMPDIR otherwise. Location should be writeable by USER. .IP "\fB--foreground\fP" 4 Do not daemonize, switch to a different user, create pidfile, redirect output, or log to syslog. .SH "AUTHOR" .PP This manual page was written by Dmitry Borodaenko . Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU GPL version 3 or later.