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rkt - App Container runtime(1) rkt - App Container runtime(1)


rkt-prepare - Prepare to run image(s) in a pod in rkt


rkt prepare [--volume=name,kind=host,...] [--mount volume=VOL,target=PATH] [--quiet] IMAGE [-- image-args...[---]]... [flags]


Prepares the pod and returns its UUID for a subsequent call to run-prepared.

Prepare is useful to get the UUID of the pod before running or when preparing takes a long time.

IMAGE should be a string referencing an image; either a hash, local file on disk, or URL. They will be checked in that order and the first match will be used.

An "--" may be used to inhibit rkt prepare's parsing of subsequent arguments, which will instead be appended to the preceding image app's exec arguments. End the image arguments with a lone "---" to resume argument parsing.


set the app's annotations (example: '--annotation=foo=bar')

capability to remove (example: '--caps-remove=CAP_MKNOD')

capability to retain (example: '--caps-retain=CAP_SYS_ADMIN')

cpu limit for the preceding image (example: '--cpu=500m')

cpu-shares assigns the specified CPU time share weight (example: '--cpu-shares=2048')

set the app's environment variables (example: '--environment=foo=bar')

override the exec command for the preceding image

group override for the preceding image (example: '--group=group')

-h, --help[=false]
help for prepare

inherit all environment variables not set by apps

memory limit for the preceding image (example: '--memory=16Mi', '--memory=50M', '--memory=1G')

mount point binding a volume to a path within an app

set the name of the app (example: '--name=foo'). If not set, then the app name default to the image's name

disable overlay filesystem

oom-score-adj isolator override

the path to the pod manifest. If it's non-empty, then only '--quiet' and '--no-overlay' will have effect

ports to expose on the host (requires contained network). Syntax: --port=NAME:HOSTPORT

run within user namespaces.

when to pull an image

suppress superfluous output on stdout, print only the UUID on success

if set, the app's rootfs will be mounted read-only

seccomp filter override (example: '--seccomp mode=retain,errno=EPERM,chmod,chown')

environment variable to set for all the apps in the form key=value, this will be overridden by --environment

the path to an environment variables file

local signature file to use in validating the preceding image

filename of an image in stage1 images directory to use as stage1

hash of an image to use as stage1

name of an image to use as stage1

absolute or relative path to an image to use as stage1

URL to an image to use as stage1

supplementary group IDs override for the preceding image (examples: '--supplementary-gids=1024,2048'

user override for the preceding image (example: '--user=user')

set the app's annotations (example: '--user-annotation=foo=bar')

set the app's labels (example: '--user-label=foo=bar')

volumes to make available in the pod

override the working directory of the preceding image


print out more debug information to stderr

rkt data directory

comma-separated list of security features to disable. Allowed values: "none", "image", "tls", "ondisk", "http", "pubkey", "capabilities", "paths", "seccomp", "all-fetch", "all-run", "all"

local configuration directory

system configuration directory

automatically trust gpg keys fetched from https

user configuration directory




8-Jun-2019 Auto generated by spf13/cobra

Jun 2019 Auto generated by spf13/cobra