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TM::Axes(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation TM::Axes(3pm)


TM::Axes - Topic Maps, Axes for TM::match*


The TM module offers the method "match" (and friends) to query assertions in a TM data structure. While there is a generic search specification, it will be too slow. Instead some axes have been implemented specifically. These are listed below.


Automatically generated from TM (1.54)

returns all assertions
return all assertions where a given toplet appears somehow

          'anyid' => 'the toplet'
return all assertions of a given type where a given toplet plays a given role and there exist another given role with another given toplet as player

          'bplayer' => 'the player for the brole',
          'aplayer' => 'the player toplet for the arole',
          'arole' => 'the role toplet (incl subclasses) for the aplayer',
          'type' => 'the type of the assertion',
          'brole' => 'the other role toplet (incl subclasses)'
return all assertions of a given type where a given toplet plays a given role and there exist another given role

          'aplayer' => 'the player toplet for the arole',
          'arole' => 'the role toplet (incl subclasses) for the aplayer',
          'type' => 'the type of the assertion',
          'brole' => 'the other role toplet (incl subclasses)'
deprecated: return all assertions which are characteristics for a given toplet

          'irole' => 'the toplet for which characteristics are sought',
          'char' => '1'
return all assertions which are characteristics for a given toplet

          'topic' => 'the toplet for which characteristics are sought',
          'char' => '1'
return all assertions which are a characteristic of a given type for a given topic

          'topic' => 'the toplet for which these characteristics are sought',
          'char' => '1',
          'type' => 'type of characteristic'
return all assertions which are characteristics for some given type

          'char' => '1',
          'type' => 'the characteristic type'
return all assertions which are characteristics for some topic of a given value for some given type

          'value' => 'the value for which all characteristics are sought',
          'char' => '1',
          'type' => 'the characteristic type'
return all assertions which are characteristics for some topic of a given value

          'value' => 'the value for which all characteristics are sought',
          'char' => '1'
returns all assertions where there are instances of a given toplet

          'class' => 'which toplet should be the class',
          'type' => 'isa'
returns all assertions where there are classes of a given toplet

          'type' => 'isa',
          'instance' => 'which toplet should be the instance'
return all assertions where a given toplet is a player

          'iplayer' => 'the player toplet'
return all assertions where a given toplet is a player of a given role

          'iplayer' => 'the player toplet',
          'irole' => 'the role toplet (incl subclasses)'
return all assertions of a given type where a given toplet is a player of a given role

          'iplayer' => 'the player toplet',
          'irole' => 'the role toplet (incl subclasses)',
          'type' => 'the type of the assertion'
return all assertions of a given type where a given toplet is a player

          'iplayer' => 'the player toplet',
          'type' => 'the type of the assertion'
return all assertions where there is a given role

          'irole' => 'the role toplet (incl subclasses)'
return all assertions of a given type where there is a given role

          'irole' => 'the role toplet (incl subclasses)',
          'type' => 'the type of the assertion'
return one particular assertions with a given ID

          'lid' => 'the ID of the assertion'
returns all associations (so no names or occurrences)

          'nochar' => '1'
returns all assertions where there are subclasses of a given toplet

          'subclass' => 'which toplet should be the superclass',
          'type' => 'is-subclass-of'
returns all assertions where there are superclasses of a given toplet

          'superclass' => 'which toplet should be the subclass',
          'type' => 'is-subclass-of'
return all assertions with a given type

          'type' => 'the type of the assertion'




Copyright 200[8] by Robert Barta, <>

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

2018-07-21 perl v5.24.1