.\" DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE! It was generated by help2man 1.47.8. .TH SIMKA "1" "September 2019" "simka 1.5.1" "User Commands" .SH NAME simka \- comparative metagenomics method dedicated to NGS datasets .SH DESCRIPTION ERROR: Unknown parameter '\-h' ERROR: Option '\-in' is mandatory ERROR: Option '\-out\-tmp' is mandatory ERROR: Option '\-in' is mandatory .PP [Simka options] .TP \fB\-in\fR (1 arg) : input file of samples. One sample per line: id1: filename1... .TP \fB\-out\fR (1 arg) : output directory for result files (distance matrices) [default './simka_results'] .TP \fB\-out\-tmp\fR (1 arg) : output directory for temporary files .TP \fB\-keep\-tmp\fR (0 arg) : keep temporary files .TP \fB\-data\-info\fR (0 arg) : compute (and display) information before running Simka, such as the number of reads per dataset .TP \fB\-verbose\fR (1 arg) : verbosity level [default '1'] .TP \fB\-version\fR (0 arg) : version .TP \fB\-help\fR (0 arg) : help .IP [distance options] .TP \fB\-simple\-dist\fR (0 arg) : compute all simple distances (Chord, Hellinger...) .TP \fB\-complex\-dist\fR (0 arg) : compute all complex distances (Jensen\-Shannon...) .IP [kmer options] .TP \fB\-kmer\-size\fR (1 arg) : size of a kmer [default '21'] .TP \fB\-abundance\-min\fR (1 arg) : min abundance a kmer need to be considered [default '2'] .TP \fB\-abundance\-max\fR (1 arg) : max abundance a kmer can have to be considered [default '999999999'] .TP \fB\-kmer\-shannon\-index\fR (1 arg) : minimal Shannon index a kmer should have to be kept. Float in [0,2] [default '0'] .IP [read options] .TP \fB\-max\-reads\fR (1 arg) : maximum number of reads per sample to process. Can be \fB\-1\fR: use all reads. Can be 0: estimate it [default '\-1'] .TP \fB\-min\-read\-size\fR (1 arg) : minimal size a read should have to be kept [default '0'] .TP \fB\-min\-shannon\-index\fR (1 arg) : minimal Shannon index a read should have to be kept. Float in [0,2] [default '0'] .IP [core options] .TP \fB\-nb\-cores\fR (1 arg) : number of cores [default '0'] .TP \fB\-max\-memory\fR (1 arg) : max memory (MB) [default '5000'] .TP \fB\-max\-count\fR (1 arg) : maximum number of simultaneous counting jobs (a higher value improve execution time but increase temporary disk usage) [default ''] .TP \fB\-max\-merge\fR (1 arg) : maximum number of simultaneous merging jobs (1 job = 1 core) [default ''] .IP [cluster options] .TP \fB\-count\-cmd\fR (1 arg) : command to submit counting job [default ''] .TP \fB\-merge\-cmd\fR (1 arg) : command to submit merging job [default ''] .TP \fB\-count\-file\fR (1 arg) : filename to the couting job template [default ''] .TP \fB\-merge\-file\fR (1 arg) : filename to the merging job template [default ''] .SH AUTHOR This manpage was written by Shayan Doust for the Debian distribution and can be used for any other usage of the program.