.\" Automatically generated by Pandoc .\" .TH "please" "1" "10 June 2022" "please 0.5.3" "User Manual" .hy .SH NAME .PP please - a tool for access elevation. .SH SYNOPSIS .PP \f[B]please /bin/bash\f[R] .PP \f[B]pleaseedit /etc/fstab\f[R] .PP \f[B]pleaseedit [-r/--reason \[dq]new fs\[dq]] /etc/fstab\f[R] .PP \f[B]pleaseedit [-g/--group groupname] filename\f[R] .PP \f[B]pleaseedit [-t/--target username] filename\f[R] .PP \f[B]please [-a/--allowenv list]\f[R] .PP \f[B]please [-c/--check] /etc/please.ini\f[R] .PP \f[B]please [-d/--dir directory] command\f[R] .PP \f[B]please [-e/--env environment] command\f[R] .PP \f[B]please [-g/--group groupname] command\f[R] .PP \f[B]please [-h/--help]\f[R] .PP \f[B]please [-t/--target username] backup tar -cvf - /home/data | \&...\f[R] .PP \f[B]please [-u/--user username] backup tar -cvf - /home/data | \&...\f[R] .PP \f[B]please [-l/--list]\f[R] .PP \f[B]please [-l/--list] [-t/--target username]\f[R] .PP \f[B]please [-l/--list] [-u/--user username]\f[R] .PP \f[B]please [-n/--noprompt] command\f[R] .PP \f[B]please [-r/--reason \[dq]sshd reconfigured, ticket 24365\[dq]] /etc/init.d/ssh restart\f[R] .PP \f[B]please [-p/--purge]\f[R] .PP \f[B]please [-w/--warm]\f[R] .SH DESCRIPTION .PP \f[B]please\f[R] and \f[B]pleaseedit\f[R] are sudo alternatives that have regex support and a simple approach to ACL. .PP The aim is to allow admins to delegate accurate principle of least privilege access with ease. \f[B]please.ini\f[R] allows for very specific and flexible regex defined permissions. .PP \f[B]pleaseedit\f[R] adds a layer of safety to editing files. The file is copied to /tmp, where it can be updated. When \f[B]EDITOR\f[R] exits cleanly the file is copied alongside the target, the file will then be renamed over the original, but if a \f[B]exitcmd\f[R] is configured it must exit cleanly first. .TP \f[B]-a\f[R]/\f[B]--allowenv list\f[R] allow environments separated by \f[B],\f[R] to be passed through .TP \f[B]-c\f[R]/\f[B]--check file\f[R] will check the syntax of a \f[B]please.ini\f[R] config file. Exits non-zero on error .TP \f[B]-d\f[R]/\f[B]--dir\f[R] will change directory to \f[B]dir\f[R] prior to executing the command .TP \f[B]-g\f[R]/\f[B]--group groupname\f[R] run or edit as groupname .TP \f[B]-h\f[R]/\f[B]--help\f[R] print help and exit .TP \f[B]-l\f[R]/\f[B]--list\f[R] to list rules .TP \f[B]-n\f[R]/\f[B]--noprompt\f[R] will not prompt for authentication and exits with a status of 1 .TP \f[B]-p\f[R]/\f[B]--purge\f[R] will purge your current authentication token for the running user .TP \f[B]-r\f[R]/\f[B]--reason\f[R] \f[B][reason]\f[R] will add \f[B]reason\f[R] to the system log .TP \f[B]-t\f[R]/\f[B]--target\f[R] \f[B][username]\f[R] to execute command, or edit as target \f[B]username\f[R] .TP \f[B]-u\f[R]/\f[B]--user\f[R] \f[B][username]\f[R] to execute command, or edit as target \f[B]username\f[R] .TP \f[B]-v\f[R]/\f[B]--version\f[R] print version and exit .TP \f[B]-w\f[R]/\f[B]--warm\f[R] will warm an authentication token and exit .SH EXAMPLE USAGE .TP \f[B]please -t httpd /bin/bash\f[R] run a shell as the httpd user .TP \f[B]please -l\f[R] to list what you may run .TP \f[B]please -t \[dq]username\[dq] -l\f[R] to show what username may run. \f[B]username\f[R] must match the target regex in a \f[B]type=list\f[R] rule .TP \f[B]please -r \[aq]reloading apache2, change #123\[aq] systemctl reload apache2\f[R] to reload apache2 with a reason .TP \f[B]pleaseedit -r \[aq]adding new storage, ticket #24365\[aq] /etc/fstab\f[R] to use pleaseedit to modify \f[B]fstab\f[R] .PP Please see \f[B]please.ini\f[R] for configuration examples. .SH FILES .PP /etc/please.ini .SH CONTRIBUTIONS .PP I welcome pull requests with open arms. New features always considered. .SH BUGS .PP Found a bug? Please either open a ticket or send a pull request/patch. .SH SEE ALSO .PP \f[B]please.ini\f[R](5) .SH AUTHORS Ed Neville (ed-please\[at]s5h.net).