.\" Automatically generated by Pandoc .\" .\" Define V font for inline verbatim, using C font in formats .\" that render this, and otherwise B font. .ie "\f[CB]x\f[]"x" \{\ . ftr V B . ftr VI BI . ftr VB B . ftr VBI BI .\} .el \{\ . ftr V CR . ftr VI CI . ftr VB CB . ftr VBI CBI .\} .TH "ONIONPROBE" "1" "May 31, 2022" "Onionprobe User Manual" "" .hy .SH NAME .PP Onionprobe - a test and monitoring tool for Onion Services sites .SH SYNOPSIS .PP onionprobe [-h] [-c CONFIG] [-v] [\[en]circuit_stream_timeout CIRCUIT_STREAM_TIMEOUT] [\[en]control_password CONTROL_PASSWORD] [\[en]control_port CONTROL_PORT] [\[en]descriptor_max_retries DESCRIPTOR_MAX_RETRIES] [\[en]descriptor_timeout DESCRIPTOR_TIMEOUT] [-e [ONION-ADDRESS1 \&...]] [\[en]http_connect_max_retries HTTP_CONNECT_MAX_RETRIES] [\[en]http_connect_timeout HTTP_CONNECT_TIMEOUT] [\[en]http_read_timeout HTTP_READ_TIMEOUT] [\[en]interval INTERVAL] [\[en]launch_tor | \[en]no-launch_tor] [\[en]log_level LOG_LEVEL] [\[en]loop | \[en]no-loop] [\[en]new_circuit | \[en]no-new_circuit] [\[en]prometheus_exporter | \[en]no-prometheus_exporter] [\[en]prometheus_exporter_port PROMETHEUS_EXPORTER_PORT] [\[en]randomize | \[en]no-randomize] [\[en]rounds ROUNDS] [\[en]shuffle | \[en]no-shuffle] [\[en]sleep SLEEP] [\[en]socks_port SOCKS_PORT] [\[en]tor_address TOR_ADDRESS] .SH DESCRIPTION .PP Onionprobe is a tool for testing and monitoring the status of Tor Onion Services sites. .PP It can run a single time or continuously to probe a set of onion services endpoints and paths, optionally exporting to Prometheus. .SH FULL INVOCATION, OPTIONS, EXAMPLES AND METRICS .IP .nf \f[C] onionprobe [-h] [-c CONFIG] [-v] [\-\-circuit_stream_timeout CIRCUIT_STREAM_TIMEOUT] [\-\-control_password CONTROL_PASSWORD] [\-\-control_port CONTROL_PORT] [\-\-descriptor_max_retries DESCRIPTOR_MAX_RETRIES] [\-\-descriptor_timeout DESCRIPTOR_TIMEOUT] [-e [ONION-ADDRESS1 ...]] [\-\-http_connect_max_retries HTTP_CONNECT_MAX_RETRIES] [\-\-http_connect_timeout HTTP_CONNECT_TIMEOUT] [\-\-http_read_timeout HTTP_READ_TIMEOUT] [\-\-interval INTERVAL] [\-\-launch_tor | \-\-no-launch_tor] [\-\-log_level LOG_LEVEL] [\-\-loop | \-\-no-loop] [\-\-new_circuit | \-\-no-new_circuit] [\-\-prometheus_exporter | \-\-no-prometheus_exporter] [\-\-prometheus_exporter_port PROMETHEUS_EXPORTER_PORT] [\-\-randomize | \-\-no-randomize] [\-\-rounds ROUNDS] [\-\-shuffle | \-\-no-shuffle] [\-\-sleep SLEEP] [\-\-socks_port SOCKS_PORT] [\-\-tor_address TOR_ADDRESS] Test and monitor onion services optional arguments: -h, \-\-help show this help message and exit -c CONFIG, \-\-config CONFIG Read options from configuration file. All command line parameters can be specified inside a YAML file. Additional command line parameters override those set in the configuration file. -v, \-\-version show program\[aq]s version number and exit \-\-circuit_stream_timeout CIRCUIT_STREAM_TIMEOUT Sets how many seconds until a stream is detached from a circuit and try a new circuit \-\-control_password CONTROL_PASSWORD Set Tor control password or use a password prompt (system-wide Tor service) or auto-generate a temporary password (built-in Tor service) \-\-control_port CONTROL_PORT Tor control port \-\-descriptor_max_retries DESCRIPTOR_MAX_RETRIES Max retries when fetching a descriptor \-\-descriptor_timeout DESCRIPTOR_TIMEOUT Timeout in seconds when retrieving an Onion Service descriptor -e [ONION-ADDRESS1 ...], \-\-endpoints [ONION-ADDRESS1 ...] Add endpoints to the test list \-\-http_connect_max_retries HTTP_CONNECT_MAX_RETRIES Max retries when doing a HTTP/HTTPS connection to an Onion Service \-\-http_connect_timeout HTTP_CONNECT_TIMEOUT Connection timeout for HTTP/HTTPS requests \-\-http_read_timeout HTTP_READ_TIMEOUT Read timeout for HTTP/HTTPS requests \-\-interval INTERVAL Max random interval in seconds between probing each endpoint \-\-launch_tor, \-\-no-launch_tor Whether to launch it\[aq]s own Tor daemon (set to false to use the system-wide Tor process) (default: True) \-\-log_level LOG_LEVEL Log level : debug, info, warning, error or critical \-\-loop, \-\-no-loop Run Onionprobe continuously (default: False) \-\-new_circuit, \-\-no-new_circuit Get a new circuit for every stream (default: False) \-\-prometheus_exporter, \-\-no-prometheus_exporter Enable Prometheus exporting functionality (default: False) \-\-prometheus_exporter_port PROMETHEUS_EXPORTER_PORT Set the Prometheus exporter port \-\-randomize, \-\-no-randomize Randomize the interval between each probing (default: True) \-\-rounds ROUNDS Run only a limited number of rounds (i.e., the number of times that Onionprobe tests all the configured endpoints). Requires the \[dq]loop\[dq] option to be enabled. Set to 0 to disable this limit. \-\-shuffle, \-\-no-shuffle Shuffle the list of endpoints at each probing round (default: True) \-\-sleep SLEEP Max random interval in seconds to wait between each round of tests \-\-socks_port SOCKS_PORT Tor SOCKS port \-\-tor_address TOR_ADDRESS Tor listening address if the system-wide service is used Examples: onionprobe -c configs/tor.yaml onionprobe -e http://2gzyxa5ihm7nsggfxnu52rck2vv4rvmdlkiu3zzui5du4xyclen53wid.onion Available metrics: onionprobe_version: Onionprobe version information onionprobe_state: Onionprobe latest state onionprobe_wait_seconds: Records how long Onionprobe waited between two probes in seconds onion_service_latency_seconds: Register Onion Service connection latency in seconds onion_service_reachable: Register if the Onion Service is reachable: value is 1 for reachability and 0 otherwise onion_service_connection_attempts: Register the number of attempts when trying to connect to an Onion Service in a probing round onion_service_status_code: Register Onion Service connection HTTP status code onion_service_descriptor_latency_seconds: Register Onion Service latency in seconds to get the descriptor onion_service_descriptor_reachable: Register if the Onion Service descriptor is available: value is 1 for reachability and 0 otherwise onion_service_descriptor_fetch_attempts: Register the number of attempts required when trying to get an Onion Service descriptor in a probing round onion_service_introduction_points_number: Register the number of introduction points in the Onion Service descriptor onion_service_pattern_matched: Register whether a regular expression pattern is matched when connection to the Onion Service: value is 1 for matched pattern and 0 otherwise onion_service_valid_certificate: Register whether the Onion Service HTTPS certificate is valid: value is 1 for valid and 0 otherwise, but only for sites reachable using HTTPS onion_service_fetch_requests: Counts the total number of requests to access an Onion Service onion_service_fetch_error: Counts the total number of errors when fetching an Onion Service onion_service_descriptor_fetch_requests: Counts the total number of requests to fetch an Onion Service descriptor onion_service_descriptor_fetch_error: Counts the total number of errors when fetching an Onion Service descriptor onion_service_request_exception: Counts the total number of Onion Service general exception errors onion_service_connection_error: Counts the total number of Onion Service connection errors onion_service_http_error: Counts the total number of Onion Service HTTP errors onion_service_too_many_redirects: Counts the total number of Onion Service too many redirects errors onion_service_connection_timeout: Counts the total number of Onion Service connection timeouts onion_service_read_timeout: Counts the total number of Onion Service read timeouts onion_service_timeout: Counts the total number of Onion Service timeouts onion_service_certificate_error: Counts the total number of HTTPS certificate validation errors onion_service_descriptor: Onion Service descriptor information, including state and Hidden Service Directory (HSDir) used onion_service_probe_status: Register information about the last test made to a given Onion Service, including POSIX timestamp \f[R] .fi .SH CONFIGURATION FILE FORMAT .PP This is a sample configuration file that can be adapted: .IP .nf \f[C] \-\-- # Sample config file for Onionprobe # # Copyright (C) 2022 Silvio Rhatto # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published # by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, # or any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # Log level: debug, info, warning, error or critical log_level: \[aq]info\[aq] # Whether to launch it\[aq]s own Tor daemon (set to false to use the system-wide Tor service) launch_tor: true # Tor listening address if the system-wide service is used #tor_address: \[aq]tor\[aq] tor_address: \[aq]\[aq] # Tor SOCKS port # # Use a non-default Tor SOCKS port to avoid conflict with any existing # system-wide Tor process listening at TCP port 9050. #socks_port: 9050 socks_port: 19050 # Tor control port # # Use a non-default Tor control port to avoid conflict with any existing # system-wide Tor process listening at TCP port 9051. #control_port: 9051 control_port: 19051 # Tor control password # # Set to false to # # * Use a temporary auto-generated password when using the built-in Tor # service. # * Show a password prompt when using the system-wide Tor service. # # Do not use the example value in production, as this password is available # publicly #control_password: false #control_password: \[aq]hackedpasswdbSkUMOr2vIlL5u2YEMA1YpwKj08\[aq] # Whether to run continuously loop: true # Whether to enable Prometheus exporter functionality # Setting it to true automatically enables countinuos run (loop) prometheus_exporter: true # Prometheus exporter port prometheus_exporter_port: 9935 # Max random time in seconds between probing each endpoint interval: 5 # Max random time in seconds to wait between each round of tests (a round = a # pass among all defined endpoints) sleep: 5 # Whether to shuffle list to scramble the ordering of the probe to avoid # the endpoint list to be guessed by a third party. # # This shuffles the list every time Onionprobe starts a new round of # tests. shuffle: true # Whether to randomize both the interval and the sleep time for privacy # concerns and to avoid systematic errors randomize: true # Run only a limited number of rounds (i.e., the number of times that # Onionprobe tests all the configured endpoints). # Requires the \[dq]loop\[dq] option to be enabled. # Set to 0 to disable this limit. rounds: 0 # Max retries when fetching a descriptor # By default it is set to the number of HSDirs the client usually fetch minus one # See discussion at https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/network-health/analysis/-/issues/28 descriptor_max_retries: 5 # Timeout in seconds when retrieving an Onion Service descriptor descriptor_timeout: 30 # Connection timeout for HTTP/HTTPS requests http_connect_timeout: 30 # Max retries when doing a HTTP/HTTPS connection to an Onion Service http_connect_max_retries: 3 # Read timeout for HTTP/HTTPS requests http_read_timeout: 30 # Whether to get a new circuit for every stream new_circuit: false # Sets how many seconds until a stream is detached from a circuit and try a new # circuit (CircuitStreamTimeout Tor daemon config) circuit_stream_timeout: 60 # The list of endpoints to be tested endpoints: # Using addresses from https://onion.torproject.org www.torproject.org: address: \[aq]2gzyxa5ihm7nsggfxnu52rck2vv4rvmdlkiu3zzui5du4xyclen53wid.onion\[aq] protocol: \[aq]http\[aq] port: 80 paths: - path : \[aq]/\[aq] # Specifying a per-path pattern makes Onionprobe look for it in the # request and hence operating like a basic check if the endpoint # is operational. # # Accepts patterns using Python\[aq]s regex format pattern: \[aq]Tor Project\[aq] 2019.www.torproject.org: address: \[aq]jqyzxhjk6psc6ul5jnfwloamhtyh7si74b4743k2qgpskwwxrzhsxmad.onion\[aq] protocol: \[aq]http\[aq] port: 80 api.donate.torproject.org: address: \[aq]rbi3fpvpz4vlrx67scoqef2zxz7k4xyiludszg655favvkygjmhz6wyd.onion\[aq] protocol: \[aq]http\[aq] port: 80 archive.torproject.org: address: \[aq]uy3qxvwzwoeztnellvvhxh7ju7kfvlsauka7avilcjg7domzxptbq7qd.onion\[aq] protocol: \[aq]http\[aq] port: 80 aus1.torproject.org: address: \[aq]ot3ivcdxmalbsbponeeq5222hftpf3pqil24q3s5ejwo5t52l65qusid.onion\[aq] protocol: \[aq]http\[aq] port: 80 aus2.torproject.org: address: \[aq]b5t7emfr2rn3ixr4lvizpi3stnni4j4p6goxho7lldf4qg4hz5hvpqid.onion\[aq] protocol: \[aq]http\[aq] port: 80 blog-staging.torproject.org: address: \[aq]6p4ky5a3wowiv7ww6vt7ikntcdjxkpk2lni5w4um3ddmqg3sx6nkreqd.onion\[aq] protocol: \[aq]http\[aq] port: 80 blog.torproject.org: address: \[aq]pzhdfe7jraknpj2qgu5cz2u3i4deuyfwmonvzu5i3nyw4t4bmg7o5pad.onion\[aq] protocol: \[aq]http\[aq] port: 80 bridges.torproject.org: address: \[aq]yq5jjvr7drkjrelzhut7kgclfuro65jjlivyzfmxiq2kyv5lickrl4qd.onion\[aq] protocol: \[aq]http\[aq] port: 80 cloud.torproject.org: address: \[aq]ui3cpcohcoko6aydhuhlkwqqtvadhaflcc5zb7mwandqmcal7sbwzwqd.onion\[aq] protocol: \[aq]http\[aq] port: 80 collector.torproject.org: address: \[aq]pgmrispjerzzf2tdzbfp624cg5vpbvdw2q5a3hvtsbsx25vnni767yad.onion\[aq] protocol: \[aq]http\[aq] port: 80 collector2.torproject.org: address: \[aq]3srlmjzbyyzz62jvdfqwn5ldqmh6mwnqxre2zamxveb75uz2qrqkrkyd.onion\[aq] protocol: \[aq]http\[aq] port: 80 community.torproject.org: address: \[aq]xmrhfasfg5suueegrnc4gsgyi2tyclcy5oz7f5drnrodmdtob6t2ioyd.onion\[aq] protocol: \[aq]http\[aq] port: 80 consensus-health.torproject.org: address: \[aq]tkskz5dkjel4xqyw5d5l3k52kgglotwn6vgb5wrl2oa5yi2szvywiyid.onion\[aq] protocol: \[aq]http\[aq] port: 80 crm.torproject.org: address: \[aq]6ojylpznauimd2fga3m7g24vd7ebkzlemxdprxckevqpzs347ugmynqd.onion\[aq] protocol: \[aq]http\[aq] port: 80 deb.torproject.org: address: \[aq]apow7mjfryruh65chtdydfmqfpj5btws7nbocgtaovhvezgccyjazpqd.onion\[aq] protocol: \[aq]http\[aq] port: 80 dev.crm.torproject.org: address: \[aq]eewp4iydzyu2a5d6bvqadadkozxdbhsdtmsoczu2joexfrjjsheaecad.onion\[aq] protocol: \[aq]http\[aq] port: 80 dist.torproject.org: address: \[aq]scpalcwstkydpa3y7dbpkjs2dtr7zvtvdbyj3dqwkucfrwyixcl5ptqd.onion\[aq] protocol: \[aq]http\[aq] port: 80 donate-api.torproject.org: address: \[aq]lkfkuhcx62yfvzuz5o3ju4divuf4bsh2bybwd3oierq47kyp2ig2gvid.onion\[aq] protocol: \[aq]http\[aq] port: 80 donate.torproject.org: address: \[aq]yoaenchicimox2qdc47p36zm3cuclq7s7qxx6kvxqaxjodigfifljqqd.onion\[aq] protocol: \[aq]http\[aq] port: 80 exonerator.torproject.org: address: \[aq]pm46i5h2lfewyx6l7pnicbxhts2sxzacvsbmqiemqaspredf2gm3dpad.onion\[aq] protocol: \[aq]http\[aq] port: 80 extra.torproject.org: address: \[aq]kkr72iohlfix5ipjg776eyhplnl2oiv5tz4h2y2bkhjix3quafvjd5ad.onion\[aq] protocol: \[aq]http\[aq] port: 80 gettor.torproject.org: address: \[aq]ueghr2hzndecdntou33mhymbbxj7pir74nwzhqr6drhxpbz3j272p4id.onion\[aq] protocol: \[aq]http\[aq] port: 80 git.torproject.org: address: \[aq]xtlfhaspqtkeeqxk6umggfbr3gyfznvf4jhrge2fujz53433i2fcs3id.onion\[aq] protocol: \[aq]http\[aq] port: 80 gitlab.torproject.org: address: \[aq]eweiibe6tdjsdprb4px6rqrzzcsi22m4koia44kc5pcjr7nec2rlxyad.onion\[aq] protocol: \[aq]http\[aq] port: 80 gitweb.torproject.org: address: \[aq]gzgme7ov25seqjbphab4fkcph3jkobfwwpivt5kzbv3kqx2y2qttl4yd.onion\[aq] protocol: \[aq]http\[aq] port: 80 grafana1.torproject.org: address: \[aq]7zjnw5lx2x27rwiocxkqdquo7fawj46mf2wiu2l7e6z6ng6nivmdxnad.onion\[aq] protocol: \[aq]http\[aq] port: 80 grafana2.torproject.org: address: \[aq]f3vd6fyiccuppybkxiblgigej3pfvvqzjnhd3wyv7h4ee5asawf2fhqd.onion\[aq] protocol: \[aq]http\[aq] port: 80 ircbouncer.torproject.org: address: \[aq]moz5kotsnjony4oxccxfo4lwk3pvoxmdoljibhgoonzgzjs5oemtjmqd.onion\[aq] protocol: \[aq]http\[aq] port: 80 metabase.metrics.torproject.org: address: \[aq]gr5pseamigereei4c6654hafzhid5z2c3oqzn6cfnx7yfyelt47znhad.onion\[aq] protocol: \[aq]http\[aq] port: 80 metrics.torproject.org: address: \[aq]hctxrvjzfpvmzh2jllqhgvvkoepxb4kfzdjm6h7egcwlumggtktiftid.onion\[aq] protocol: \[aq]http\[aq] port: 80 moat.torproject.org: address: \[aq]z7m7ogzdhu43nosvjtsuplfmuqa3ge5obahixydhmzdox6owwxfoxzid.onion\[aq] protocol: \[aq]http\[aq] port: 80 nagios.torproject.org: address: \[aq]w6vizvw4ckesva5fvlkrepynemxdq6pgo5sh4r76ec6msq5notkhqryd.onion\[aq] protocol: \[aq]http\[aq] port: 80 newsletter.torproject.org: address: \[aq]a4ygisnerpgtc5ayerl22pll6cls3oyj54qgpm7qrmb66xrxts6y3lyd.onion\[aq] protocol: \[aq]http\[aq] port: 80 nightlies.tbb.torproject.org: address: \[aq]umj4zbqdfcyevlkgqgpq6foxk3z75zzxsbgt5jqmfxofrbrjh3crbnad.onion\[aq] protocol: \[aq]http\[aq] port: 80 nyx.torproject.org: address: \[aq]3ewfgrt4gzfccp6bnquhqb266r3zepiqpnsk3falwygkegtluwuyevid.onion\[aq] protocol: \[aq]http\[aq] port: 80 onion.torproject.org: address: \[aq]xao2lxsmia2edq2n5zxg6uahx6xox2t7bfjw6b5vdzsxi7ezmqob6qid.onion\[aq] protocol: \[aq]http\[aq] port: 80 onionoo.torproject.org: address: \[aq]dud2sxm6feahhuwj4y4lzktduy7v3qpaqsfkggtj2ojmzathttkegoid.onion\[aq] protocol: \[aq]http\[aq] port: 80 openpgpkey.torproject.org: address: \[aq]2yldcptk56shc7lwieozoglw3t5ghty7m6mf2faysvfnzccqavbu2mad.onion\[aq] protocol: \[aq]http\[aq] port: 80 people.torproject.org: address: \[aq]5ecey6oe4rocdsfoigr4idu42cecm2j7zfogc3xc7kfn4uriehwrs6qd.onion\[aq] protocol: \[aq]http\[aq] port: 80 prometheus1.torproject.org: address: \[aq]ydok5jiruh3ak6hcfdlm2g7iuraaxcomeckj2nucjsxif6qmrrda2byd.onion\[aq] protocol: \[aq]http\[aq] port: 80 prometheus2.torproject.org: address: \[aq]vyo6yrqhl3by7d6n5t6hjkflaqbarjpqjnvapr5u5rafk4imnfrmcjyd.onion\[aq] protocol: \[aq]http\[aq] port: 80 rbm.torproject.org: address: \[aq]nkuz2tpok7ctwd5ueer5bytj3bm42vp7lgjcsnznal3stotg6vyaakyd.onion\[aq] protocol: \[aq]http\[aq] port: 80 research.torproject.org: address: \[aq]xhqthou6scpfnwjyzc3ekdgcbvj76ccgyjyxp6cgypxjlcuhnxiktnqd.onion\[aq] protocol: \[aq]http\[aq] port: 80 review.torproject.net: address: \[aq]zhkhhhnppc5k6xju7n25rjba3wuip73jnodicxl65qdpchrwvvsilcyd.onion\[aq] protocol: \[aq]http\[aq] port: 80 rpm.torproject.org: address: \[aq]4ayyzfoh5qdrokqaejis3rdredhvf22n3migyxfudpkpunngfc7g4lqd.onion\[aq] protocol: \[aq]http\[aq] port: 80 snowflake.torproject.org: address: \[aq]oljlphash3bpqtrvqpr5gwzrhroziw4mddidi5d2qa4qjejcbrmoypqd.onion\[aq] protocol: \[aq]http\[aq] port: 80 spec.torproject.org: address: \[aq]i3xi5qxvbrngh3g6o7czwjfxwjzigook7zxzjmgwg5b7xnjcn5hzciad.onion\[aq] protocol: \[aq]http\[aq] port: 80 staging-api.donate.torproject.org: address: \[aq]vorwws6g6mx23djlznmlqva4t5olulpnet6fxyiyytcu5dorp3fstdqd.onion\[aq] protocol: \[aq]http\[aq] port: 80 staging.crm.torproject.org: address: \[aq]pt34uujusar4arrvsqljndqlt7tck2d5cosaav5xni4nh7bmvshyp2yd.onion\[aq] protocol: \[aq]http\[aq] port: 80 staging.donate-api.torproject.org: address: \[aq]7niqsyixinnhxvh33zh5dqnplxnc2yd6ktvats3zmtbbpzcphpbsa6qd.onion\[aq] protocol: \[aq]http\[aq] port: 80 status.torproject.org: address: \[aq]eixoaclv7qvnmu5rolbdwba65xpdiditdoyp6edsre3fitad777jr3ad.onion\[aq] protocol: \[aq]http\[aq] port: 80 stem.torproject.org: address: \[aq]mf34jlghauz5pxjcmdymdqbe5pva4v24logeys446tdrgd5lpsrocmqd.onion\[aq] protocol: \[aq]http\[aq] port: 80 styleguide.torproject.org: address: \[aq]7khzpw47s35pwo3lvtctwf2szvnq3kgglvzc22elx7of2awdzpovqmqd.onion\[aq] protocol: \[aq]http\[aq] port: 80 submission.torproject.org: address: \[aq]givpjczyrb5jjseful3o5tn3tg7tidbu4gydl4sa5ekpcipivqaqnpad.onion\[aq] protocol: \[aq]http\[aq] port: 80 support-staging.torproject.org: address: \[aq]mct6jqxfejsvkr3ynq7puibv6223ycv6j5cu7qzu6gscxy7qdtys22id.onion\[aq] protocol: \[aq]http\[aq] port: 80 support.torproject.org: address: \[aq]rzuwtpc4wb3xdzrj3yeajsvm3fkq4vbeubm2tdxaqruzzzgs5dwemlad.onion\[aq] protocol: \[aq]http\[aq] port: 80 survey.torproject.org: address: \[aq]eh5esdnd6fkbkapfc6nuyvkjgbtnzq2is72lmpwbdbxepd2z7zbgzsqd.onion\[aq] protocol: \[aq]http\[aq] port: 80 svn-archive.torproject.org: address: \[aq]b63iq6es4biaawfilwftlfkw6a6putogxh4iakei2ioppb7dsfucekyd.onion\[aq] protocol: \[aq]http\[aq] port: 80 tb-manual.torproject.org: address: \[aq]dsbqrprgkqqifztta6h3w7i2htjhnq7d3qkh3c7gvc35e66rrcv66did.onion\[aq] protocol: \[aq]http\[aq] port: 80 test-api.donate.torproject.org: address: \[aq]wiofesr5qt2k7qrlljpk53isgedxi6ddw6z3o7iay2l7ne3ziyagxaid.onion\[aq] protocol: \[aq]http\[aq] port: 80 test-data.tbb.torproject.org: address: \[aq]umbk3kbgov4ekg264yulvbrpykfye7ohguqbds53qn547mdpt6o4qkad.onion\[aq] protocol: \[aq]http\[aq] port: 80 test.crm.torproject.org: address: \[aq]a4d52y2erv4eijii66cpnyqn7rsnnq3gmtrsdxzt2laoutvu4gz7fwid.onion\[aq] protocol: \[aq]http\[aq] port: 80 test.donate-api.torproject.org: address: \[aq]i4zhrn4md3ucd5dfgeo5lnqd3jy2z2kzp3lt4tdisvivzoqqtlrymkid.onion\[aq] protocol: \[aq]http\[aq] port: 80 www-staging.torproject.org: address: \[aq]wosihptqvevjrjxqipafogjmwn22kqktgsibfmmnfxl7wb7sqq5xfrid.onion\[aq] protocol: \[aq]http\[aq] port: 80 www.onion-router.net: address: \[aq]tttyx2vwp7ihml3vkhywwcizv6nbwrikpgeciy3qrow7l7muak2pnhad.onion\[aq] protocol: \[aq]http\[aq] port: 80 \f[R] .fi .SH FILES .TP /etc/onionprobe System-wide Onionprobe configuration files. .SH LIMITATIONS .PP Onionprobe currently has the following limitations: .IP "1." 3 Only works for Onion Services websites, i.e, those served via either HTTP or HTTPS. .IP "2." 3 Currently Onionprobe probes runs in a single thread. .IP "3." 3 For other limitations, check the list of issues available at the Onionprobe source code repository. .SH SEE ALSO .PP The \f[I]README\f[R] file distributed with Onionprobe contains the full documentation. .PP The Onionprobe source code and all documentation may be downloaded from . .SH AUTHORS Silvio Rhatto .