.\" Automatically generated by Pandoc .\" .\" Define V font for inline verbatim, using C font in formats .\" that render this, and otherwise B font. .ie "\f[CB]x\f[]"x" \{\ . ftr V B . ftr VI BI . ftr VB B . ftr VBI BI .\} .el \{\ . ftr V CR . ftr VI CI . ftr VB CB . ftr VBI CBI .\} .TH "linaro-bcb-util" "8" "\[lq]November 2 2022\[rq]" "" "User Commands" .hy .SH NAME .PP linaro-bcb-util - program to read or write the BCB partition .SH SYNOPSIS .PP \f[B]linaro-bcb-util\f[R] \f[I]BCB_partition\f[R] <\f[B]command\f[R]> <\f[B]field\f[R]> [\f[B]data\f[R]] .SH DESCRIPTION .PP This manual page documents briefly the \f[B]linaro-bcb-util\f[R] command. .PP This manual page was written for the Debian distribution because the original program does not have a manual page. .PP \f[B]linaro-bcb-util\f[R] is a program that read or write the BCB partition. .SH OPTIONS .PP The program has the follows options. .TP \f[I]BCB_partition\f[R] The path of the misc partition device. .TP \f[B]command\f[R] read, write, clear or dump. .TP \f[B]field\f[R] command, status, recovery, or stage. .TP \f[B]data\f[R] the data to write to the BCB\[cq]s field .SH BUGS .PP The upstream BTS can be found at https://gitlab.com/grandpaul/linaro-bcb-util/-/issues. .SH AUTHOR .TP Ying-Chun Liu (PaulLiu) Wrote this manpage for the Debian system. .SH COPYRIGHT .PP Copyright \[co] 2022 Ying-Chun Liu (PaulLiu) .PP This manual page was written for the Debian system (and may be used by others). .PP Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU General Public License, Version 2 or (at your option) any later version published by the Free Software Foundation. .PP On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU General Public License can be found in /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-2.