.\" DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE! It was generated by help2man 1.49.1. .TH KNOCKPY "1" "January 2023" "knockpy 6.1.0" "User Commands" .SH NAME knockpy \- Python3 tool designed to enumerate subdomains on a target domain .SH DESCRIPTION usage: knockpy [\-h] [\-v] [\-\-no\-local] [\-\-no\-remote] [\-\-no\-scan] [\-\-no\-http] .IP [\-\-no\-http\-code CODE [CODE ...]] [\-\-no\-ip NO_IP [NO_IP ...]] [\-\-dns DNS] [\-\-user\-agent USERAGENT] [\-\-plugin\-test] [\-w WORDLIST] [\-o FOLDER] [\-t SEC] [\-th NUM] [\-\-silent [{False,json,json\-pretty,csv}]] [domain] .PP \fB\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\fR * SCAN full scan: knockpy domain.com quick scan: knockpy domain.com \fB\-\-no\-local\fR faster scan: knockpy domain.com \fB\-\-no\-local\fR \fB\-\-no\-http\fR ignore code: knockpy domain.com \fB\-\-no\-http\-code\fR 404 500 530 silent mode: knockpy domain.com \fB\-\-silent\fR .PP * SUBDOMAINS show recon: knockpy domain.com \fB\-\-no\-local\fR \fB\-\-no\-scan\fR .PP * REPORT show report: knockpy \fB\-\-report\fR knockpy_report/domain.com_yyyy_mm_dd_hh_mm_ss.json plot report: knockpy \fB\-\-plot\fR knockpy_report/domain.com_yyyy_mm_dd_hh_mm_ss.json csv report: knockpy \fB\-\-csv\fR knockpy_report/domain.com_yyyy_mm_dd_hh_mm_ss.json \fB\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\fR .SS "positional arguments:" .TP domain target to scan .SS "options:" .TP \fB\-h\fR, \fB\-\-help\fR show this help message and exit .TP \fB\-v\fR, \fB\-\-version\fR show program's version number and exit .TP \fB\-\-no\-local\fR local wordlist ignore .TP \fB\-\-no\-remote\fR remote wordlist ignore .TP \fB\-\-no\-scan\fR scanning ignore, show wordlist and exit .TP \fB\-\-no\-http\fR http requests ignore .TP \fB\-\-no\-http\-code\fR CODE [CODE ...] http code list to ignore .TP \fB\-\-no\-ip\fR NO_IP [NO_IP ...] ip address to ignore .TP \fB\-\-dns\fR DNS use custom DNS ex. .TP \fB\-\-user\-agent\fR USERAGENT use a custom user agent .TP \fB\-\-plugin\-test\fR test plugins and exit .TP \fB\-w\fR WORDLIST wordlist file to import .TP \fB\-o\fR FOLDER report folder to store json results .TP \fB\-t\fR SEC timeout in seconds .TP \fB\-th\fR NUM threads num .TP \fB\-\-silent\fR [{False,json,json\-pretty,csv}] silent or quiet mode, default output: False .PP once you get knockpy results, don't forget to use 'nmap' and 'dirsearch' .PP happy hacking ;)