.\" DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE! It was generated by help2man 1.49.3. .TH CLANG-APPLY-REPLACEMENTS "1" "October 2023" "clang-apply-replacements 16" "User Commands" .SH NAME clang-apply-replacements \- manual page for clang-apply-replacements 16 .SH DESCRIPTION USAGE: clang\-apply\-replacements [options] .PP OPTIONS: .PP Formatting Options: .TP \fB\-\-format\fR \- Enable formatting of code changed by applying replacements. Use \fB\-style\fR to choose formatting style. .TP \fB\-\-style=\fR \- Set coding style. can be: 1. A preset: LLVM, GNU, Google, Chromium, Microsoft, .TP Mozilla, WebKit. 2. 'file' to load style configuration from a .TP \&.clang\-format file in one of the parent directories of the source file (for stdin, see \fB\-\-assume\-filename\fR). If no .clang\-format file is found, falls back to \fB\-\-fallback\-style\fR. \fB\-\-style\fR=\fI\,file\/\fR is the default. .TP 3. 'file:' to explicitly specify the configuration file. .TP 4. "{key: value, ...}" to set specific parameters, e.g.: \fB\-\-style=\fR"{BasedOnStyle: llvm, IndentWidth: 8}" .TP \fB\-\-style\-config=\fR \- Path to a directory containing a .clang\-format file describing a formatting style to use for formatting code when \fB\-style\fR=\fI\,file\/\fR. .PP Generic Options: .HP \fB\-\-help\fR \- Display available options (\fB\-\-help\-hidden\fR for more) .HP \fB\-\-help\-list\fR \- Display list of available options (\fB\-\-help\-list\-hidden\fR for more) .HP \fB\-\-version\fR \- Display the version of this program .PP Replacement Options: .HP \fB\-\-ignore\-insert\-conflict\fR \- Ignore insert conflict and keep running to fix. .TP \fB\-\-remove\-change\-desc\-files\fR \- Remove the change description files regardless of successful merging/replacing.